“Sky Memory” installed at 4 World Trade Center (NYC) ニューヨークの4WTCに作品設置
Sky Memory, a new work by the sculptor Kozo Nishino, has been installed in the lobby of the new Fumihiko Maki designed 4 World Trade Center in New York City. Sky Memory is a large-scale, thirty-meter (90 foot) diameter piece, that glistens with iridescent arcs running along its graceful form. Hovering serenely, Nishino’s sculpture fuses with the highly refined entrance space realized by architect Fumihiko Maki. Sky Memory, installation completed, August 2013(first floor lobby, 4WTC) photo:Seiji Toyonaga
Outline of Sky Memory
Production period: 2009-2013 / Material: titanium alloy / Size: 30 meters in diameter (semicircle shape) / Total weight: app.190kgs / Location: First floor lobby, 4WTC (150 Greenwich Street, NY; expected to open November 2013)
From its raised position in the naturally lit hall, Nishino’s Sky Memory beckons people within. Fabricated with hand-welded, ultra-light titanium alloy wire and employing a trussed structure, Sky Memorycomprises two sections of differing sizes, each of which is fixed to the wall surface at a single point and rests there in an exquisite balance. Glowing with iridescent arcs in the ambient light, the thirty meter diameter semicircular piece is mirrored in the black granite wall, thereby deepening the sense of the space, and the sculpture appears as a great circle. With this image of an eternal ring and in its serene presence, Nishino’s sculpture becomes fused with Maki’s highly refined space.
西野康造の直径30メートルの大型作品《Sky Memory》が、ニューヨークに新設の4 World Trade Center(設計・槇文彦)のロビーに設置されました。悠然とたなびく彫刻は虹色の弧を描き、槇建築の洗練された空間と融合しています。
亀岡のスタジオでの制作風景(2011年 秋) 撮影:豊永政史
4WTCでの設置風景(2013年 夏) 撮影:豊永政史
作品《Sky Memory》概要
制作年:2009-2013 / 素材:チタン合金 /サイズ:直径30メートル(半円状)/ 総重量:約190kg / 設置場所:4 World Trade Center(150 Greenwich Street ニューヨーク、2013年11月オープン予定)1階ロビー