Kozo Nishino solo exhibition “Space Mamory”
at ARTCOURT Gallery
西野康造展『Space Mamory』−西野康造作品集出版記念−
ARTCOURT Gallery is thrilled to have Nishino back for the first time in ten years. This exhibition premieres Nishino’s most recent works as well as celebrates the release of Nishino’s first publication “Kozo Nishino: SKY MEMORY”.
Show Title: Kozo Nishino: Space Memory
Dates: Saturday, June 7, 2014 – Saturday, June 28, 2014
*Gallery closed on Sundays, Mondays and national holidays
Gallery Hours: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM *5:00 PM on Saturdays
Event: 3:00 – 5:00 PM, Saturday, June 7, 2014
Artist talk by Kozo Nishino & Opening reception
for more information>>
今回の展覧会は、初の作品集となる『Kozo Nishino: SKY MEMORY』の出版記念展となります。
西野康造展「Space Memory」(スペースメモリー)
会期:2014年6月7日[土] ~ 6月28日[土] *日・月・祝 休
時間:11:00~19:00 *土曜日は17:00まで
2014年6月7日[土] 15:00~17:00 *ご参加はご予約ください
Space Memory
2014. Titanium alloy. Approx. 4m x 26.5m x 5.2m (subject to change)
A brand new piece produced for this show. Total length of titanium alloy used reaches 28m. This is a large-scale sculpture featuring a delicate curve as if a dragon revealing its existence from the sky, or perhaps the memory from light years ago from a distant galaxy taking a shape. The work will be cantilevered** inside the exhibition space and will travel across three main exhibition rooms. It is impossible to see the entire piece from any spot inside the gallery; however, the viewer’s eyes will travel far away along with the slight sway of Nishino’s work.
Other pieces scheduled to be included in this show are; Space Memory (2014), a ø5.9m ring-shaped sculpture Video of the installation of Sky Memory at 4WTC
**A type of construction that allows for a single support point. The three loads of horizontal load, vertical load and moment are supported at one xed location.
《Space Memory》( スペースメモリー)
2014年新作|チタン合金|H 4 m × W 26.5 m × D 5.2 m (予定)
《Space Memory》( スペースメモリー)
2014年|チタン合金|φ5.9 m リング型
他、4WTCにおける《Sky Memory》設置の記録映像なども上映予定。
Kozo Nishino: SKY MEMORY >>
『Kozo Nishino: SKY MEMORY』>>