Harmony with the Breeze @ ACG Window Gallery
Date: 2020.05.30
Show Title: ACG Window Gallery: Hitoshi Nakazato x Kozo Nishino
Dates: May 26 (Tue) – , 2020
*Closed on Sundays, Mondays,and national holidays
Hours: 11:00am – 7:00pm (Saturdays – 5:00pm)
Venue: ARTCOURT Gallery (OAP ARTCOURT 1F, 1-8-5 Tenmabashi, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0042)
!! Please view this exhibition from outside of building in the gallery courtyard.
◆ For more information>> http://www.artcourtgallery.com/eng/exhibitions/11540/
◆ Installation view (short movie) >> https://youtu.be/7AXUQ2-XSos
ACG Window Gallery: Hitoshi Nakazato x Kozo Nishino 中里斉 x 西野康造
会期:2020年 5月26日[火] - *日・月・祝 休
時間:11:00 - 19:00(土曜日17:00まで)
!! 本展示はギャラリー中庭の屋外スペースからご覧ください。
◆展覧会URL>> http://www.artcourtgallery.com/exhibitions/13722/
◆展示風景(ショートムービー) >> https://youtu.be/7AXUQ2-XSos

◆展示風景(ショートムービー) >> https://youtu.be/7AXUQ2-XSos